Mental Training Academy™ for Individual Athletes

Where Athletes Learn to Unleash Their Potential

Too many youth athletes don't have easy access to quality mental skills training. Mental Training Academy™ closes that gap giving athletes the opportunity to gain the mental tools, skills and plans they need to get more out of practice, compete with consistency, and finally have the competitive edge they deserve.

I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you aren't reaching your potential. I know how helpless you can feel when nothing you've tried seemed to work.

Do any of these struggles sound familiar?

  • Do you feel like you are capable of more than you've shown on the court, field or course?
  • Do you let your emotions get the best of you and make too many mental mistakes?
  • Are you frustrated by your lack of mental toughness in certain situations and aren’t sure where to turn to for help?
  • Do you have this sinking feeling that you aren't reaching your potential?

You aren’t alone. I’ve been there and so have many other athletes. It is frustrating and exhausting. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As a high school and collegiate athlete I continually found myself frustrated. I wasn’t playing up to my potential. I knew it, but I didn’t know how to tap into that potential. It was super frustrating for me, my teammates, and my coaches.

I let things get into my head. I played better in practice than in competition. My emotions got the best of me. Sometimes my frustration exploded on the court. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I needed a Mental Coach.

I created Mental Training Academy™ to give athletes like you access to the mental training I wish I had.

  • Accessible on any device
  • Train on demand (whenever and wherever you are)
  • Strategies that are easy to put into action in your training, practice, and competition

Finally get the complete mental training program you deserve.


Mental Training Academy™ equips you with the mental tools, skills & plans you need to gain the competitive edge you deserve.


Mental Training Academy™ was built with busy student-athletes in mind.

  • Train from any device so you can up your game anytime, anywhere.
  • Practice drills and downloads make the training practical and memorable.
  • Customized to fit your schedule with bite-size lessons and downloadable content to stream on-demand.

What Mental Training Is
Discover the mental strategies used by today's elite athletes, the science behind mental training, and why it is the newest frontier in sports.

Mental Foundations
Learn the impact your mindset, thoughts, and focus have on your their performance in practice and competition.

Mental Tools
Equips you with the four essential tools every athlete needs to be mentally tough, perform under pressure, and bounce back from adversity.

Mental Skills
Learn how to use those Mental Tools to master the critical skills every athlete needs to unleash their potential.

Mental Plans
Turn your tools and skills into actionable plans to get the most out of practice and compete with consistency.



“Justin taught me self control and how to keep my composure. The best part of working with Justin was the bond I created with him and being able to learn the tools he gave me.”

“Justin is highly skilled, professional and relatable. He brings years of experience from training elite athletes and soldiers to the table and combines it all in a format that is easy to understand while challenging in the right way.”

Course Curriculum

  Start Here
Available in days
days after you enroll


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to this course?
You will have access to the course for 1 year.
How long is the course?
It is best to space the training out over eight to twelve weeks. You can complete the whole course in a day if you really want to.
For what age is this course best for?
The course is best for athletes 15 to 21 years old.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Are you ready to be confident in any situation, composed under pressure, and focused in the moment?

Are you ready to finally have the competitive advantage you deserve?

Mental Training Academy™ guides you through the essential Mental Tools and Skills that every athlete needs to take their game to the next level.

Don’t wait until next season. Stop falling short of your potential. Join today and be the player that unleashes their potential.

Get started now!